The Cheater


Gender: Male

Kit: Elemental

Location: Outer Space


Alignment: Villain

Team: The Fallen


Strength: superior (rank 2)

Agility: superior (rank 2)

Mind: superior (rank 2)

Body: superior (rank 2)

Spirit: superior (rank 2)

Charisma: superior (rank 2)


Infamy Points: 0

Personal Wins: 0

Personal Losses: 0

Team Wins: 0

Team Losses: 0

Tourney Wins: 0

Tourney Losses: 0


Status: Blocked


The cheater uses bugs in the character submission form to give himself unbeatable superpowers.


The cheater is a total dick who doesn't care what you think of him


Enhanced Strength

     Enhanced Strength: supreme


I don't actually use my muscles. I hack the world and it moves things for me.


Enhanced Agility

     Enhanced Agility: supreme


My body runs at high priority. The universe mainframe gives me a dedicated processor, so I run faster.


Enhanced Intelligence

     Enhanced Intelligence: supreme


Obviously I need to be smart to figure out these bugs in the universe.


Enhanced Endurance

     Enhanced Endurance: supreme


I never admit to being hurt.


Enhanced Willpower

     Enhanced Willpower: supreme


I hacked my brain too. Now I'm in total control of my own thoughts.


Enhanced Charisma

     Enhanced Charisma: supreme


And I can hack your brain too.


Reality Warping

     Reality Warping: ultimate (rank 4)


As well as everything else.