Spartan Maks


Gender: Male

Kit: Normal

Location: Washington DC


Alignment: Hero

Team: Spartan Maks The Lone Wolf


Strength: superior (rank 2)

Agility: standard (rank 1)

Mind: standard (rank 1)

Body: superior (rank 2)

Spirit: (rank )

Charisma: (rank )


Fame Points: 50

Personal Wins: 0

Personal Losses: 0

Team Wins: 0

Team Losses: 0

Tourney Wins: 0

Tourney Losses: 0


Status: Blocked


After The Fall Of Reach and master chiefs dissaperence there came maks who some how teleported to the future in year 2099 there came maks the spartan who was stronger than the other maks's even maks the barbarian but spartan maks was just and ordinary kid who went to school and who listend to his parents and did his work and cleaned the house but on christmas morning in the year 2099 there came a secret covenant force ready to strike earth again and the covenent allied with the elites and the flood to take down human life once and for all but heros fought back the elites and the brutes were almost impossible to kill maks the spartan was sleeping on christmas morning then when he heard a strange vwooom sound he woke up and decided to investigate he saw his own to parents dead right before his eyes he felt such rage and fury but he realized he was only a child so he ran away unseen by the horde of marching covenant soldiers when he tripped down a long narrow hill until he stopped and fell in a armory of the unsc maks the spartan than found a 2 eod shoulder pads one for the left and one for the right a scout helmet and a haybusa chest plate after 6 years when maks the spartan was 19 he practiced his skills with guns running strength and sit ups he also helped unsc soldiers take down 10 scarrobs and 5 aa guns then maks the spartan put on the 2 eod shoulder pads and the scout helmet and the haybusa chest plate then he worked for the avengers for 2 years then went under cover


Aligiment:Chaotic good Race:Russian Hair color:Black Height:6'9 Sex:Male


Juggernaut Spartan Armor

     Armor: superior (rank 2)


When Maks The Spartan Fell In The Armory He Knew This Metal Was The Hardest Of All Metal On Earth Or Any Where Else


Juggernaut's Sword

     Slashing Weapon: superior (rank 2)


When Maks The Spartan Was Fighting An a Arena He Picked Up The Sword And It Was The Same Sword As His Armor He Found The Sword From The Grand Champion


Fast runing

     Super Speed: standard (rank 1)


When Maks The Spartan Was Training He Use To Run 3 Hours And Toughen His Speed And Strength