Micaela, Camila and Lucho


Gender: None

Kit: Eldritch

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina


Alignment: Hero

Team: Solo Hero


Strength: standard (rank 1)

Agility: standard (rank 1)

Mind: standard (rank 1)

Body: standard (rank 1)

Spirit: (rank )

Charisma: (rank )


Fame Points: 40

Personal Wins: 0

Personal Losses: 1

Team Wins: 0

Team Losses: 0

Tourney Wins: 0

Tourney Losses: 0


Status: Blocked


Micaela Fernandez, Camila Guindani and Lucho Rodriguez are three teenagers from Argetina who all attend the Instituto Don Bosco high school together.

They are the best of friends.

Camila is 15 years old. She has short black hair and glasses.

Micaela is 16 years old. She has long red hair tied together with a ponytail, and freckles.

Lucho is 17 years old. He has short brown hair.

That Friday, the three friends exited school like any other day. But it wasn't meant to be a regular day. This was the day that would change their lives forever.

"So, you are coming to the rave?" said Micaela as they exited the school

"Like you really have to ask. Have I missed a rave in my life?" said Camila with a smile on her face

"I just wish they didn't give us so much homework." said Lucho

"Yeah, those teachers can be assholes sometimes." said Micaela


Later that day, Lucho entered his room and turned on his TV. "Casi Angeles" was about to start. His younger brother, Juan Martin, was watching "Dragon Ball Z" in the other room while his mother, like always, was away working at the local homeless shelter.

He was ready to sit on his bed when he noticed his pet Persian cat already cuddled in it.

"Cleo, how many times I have to tell you that you can't sleep on my beed?" said Lucho as he put his cat on the floor.

As he started to watch the show, he noticed Cleo was hissing at his window. He could hear light tapping in the background.

"What's the matter?" said Lucho, confused

He turned around and saw the source of the tapping: a brown owl was tapping against the window.

"That's strange. What's an owl doing here, in the middle of the city?" said Lucho

Lucho opened his window and the owl rapidly flew inside the room, scaring Cleo. As it stood in Lucho's desk, Lucho noticed a small piece of paper attached to its right left.

Lucho picked up the paper, opened and read it:

"Dear Luciano 'Lucho' Rodriguez:

It of outmost importance that you meet me tomorrow at 16:00 in Parque Recoleta. The fate of the world depends on it. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny.


Melchor Martinez"

"You sent me this?" said Lucho

But when Lucho turned out, the owl was gone.

"The girls need to hear about this.", Lucho taught.

Thus, he shut off his TV, turned on his computer, and logged on the private chat room that he shared with the girls.

"Girls, you won't believe what happened! I was just chilling out on my room, when suddenly, an owl came in and-" said Lucho

"-send you a note about meeting a man at Parque Rivadavia at 16:00?" said Camila

"And as soon as it came, it just went away?" said Micaela

"Yes! How did you know?" said Lucho

"The same thing happened to me." said Camila

"And me, too." said Micaela

"So, what do you think we should do?" said Lucho

"I say we go. If this was something dangerous, he would have told us to meet at Avellaneda or Sucre, not in Parque Recoleta." said Camila

"Besides, Parque Recoleta is full of policemen. We'll be safe." said Micaela

"Also, we'll bring our cellphones." said Micaela

"OK, I guess you are right." said Lucho


That Saturday, the three friends wandered about for a bit in Parque Recoleta until they found the man they were looking for. He was easy to recognize: he had an owl perched on his shoulder, the same owl that gave them the message.

The man was tall and fat, with black hair and a beard.

"Melchor Martinez, I presume?" said Lucho.

"That, I am. And you must be Lucho, Micaela and Camila."

The owl flew from the man's shoulder to Micaela's head, and it rested there for a while.

"It seems Nicolas has taken a liking to you." said the man

The man made a gesture with his hands, and Nicolas flew right back at his shoulder.

"Why did you call us?" said Micaela

"Because there's is something you need to know. You are not like the other kids at school. You are special. You are sorcerers." said Melchor

The three friends burst out laughing.

"Is this a joke for 'Showmatch'? Where's the camera?" said Lucho

"I assure you, this is no joke. You are wizards, just like me." said Melchor

"You think that just because I have black hair and glasses, I'm a witch? Come on now." said Camila

"Perhaps this will help you believe." said Melchor.

Melchor pointed his hand to Cleo (who was cuddled between Lucho's arms) and moved it back and forth. To the suprise of the three friends, the cat escaped from Lucho's grasp and started floating in the air.

"CLEO!" said Lucho

Melchor kept waving his hands, and the cat strarted twirling around and moving left and right in mid-air.

"Put my cat down!" said Lucho

Melchor waved his hands again, and Cleo floated right back to Lucho's shoulders.

The three friends couldn't believe what they just saw.

"This is impossible!" said Micaela

"Is it? Regular humans only use 10 % of their brains. Wizards are just people who learned to use the other 90 %. Their is potential for great power in all of us. Wizards are just people who learn to unlock their true potential." said Melchor

The three friends just tood there in silence, absorbing what they just learned.

"Now, here's something you can do. Wizards have the power of reading the minds of animals. That's why me and Nicolas are so close. I want you to try it. Just look at Cleo, and put your mind at ease. Focus." said Melchor

The three friends stared at the cat intensely.

At a while, images began forming in Lucho's head. He saw when he brough Cleo from the pet store back when he was just a kitty, the first time Cleo saw himself in the mirror, and the first time it drank milk.

Images also began forming in Camila's head. She saw Cleo chasing after sparrow, Cleo getting in a fight with the Siamese cat from next door, and Cleo meowing at the moonlight.

Micaela also saw images in her head. She saw Cleo playing with a ball of string, Cleo climbing a tree, and Cleo eating cat food.

When the images stopped, the three friends realized that what Melchor said was true. They were wizards.

"So, why are you telling us this? What do you need us for?" said Lucho

"Every once in a while, a special kind of wizard is born. The Prime Merlinian. The Prime Merlinian is destined to use his or her magical powers to defend humanity from all magical threats: orcs, trolls, goblins, demons, gremlins, evil wizards and stuff like that. Experienced wizards become Watchers. The Watchers train the Prime Merlinians so they can use their powers to defeat the forces of darkness. And that's why I called you: you are all Prime Merlinians, and I am your Watcher." said Melchor

"Woa...we are supposed to protect the world?" said Camila

"And you are gonna teach us how?" said Micaela

"We..we don't really have a choice, do we?" said Lucho

"Not really." said Melchor

"In that case, I guess we're in." said Lucho

"Perfect! We will begin your training right now!" said Melchor

Melchor waved his hand again, and all four of them teleported from Parque Recoleta to an unknown place.

It was also a grassy field, only it was covered with wooden dummies, target fields, swords and tables with potion.

However, the sound a train in the background made them realize where they were.

"So THIS is what's inside the Mysterious Place at Palermo!" said Micaela

"Indeed. Now, your training will begin." said Melchor.


"So, you want us to tell us something about us?" said Lucho.

"Oh, but I already know all about you. I've been watching you from quite some time.

Lucho, you are impulsive and reckless. You rush into things without thinking them throught. You are a very creative person, but you often have trouble focusing. You love your two friends and will defend them against all aggressors.

Camila, you are quiet and meek. You are very smart, being top of your class in many subjects in your high school. Other kids think you are a nerd because you wear glasses and you like things like 'Mystery Science Theater 3000', 'Red Dwarf' or 'Dungeon and Dragons' games.

Micaela, you are easygoing, fun and carefree. You are quick to smile and to think the best of people. Unfortunately, you are also naive. You are a very sweet person.

Now, I have something for you." said Melchor, and he pulled out a set of black robes from a chest nearby.

"Robes? Really?" said Lucho

"Isn't that a bit cliche?" said Camila

"Just because we are wizard, doesn't mean we have to wear robes. You might as well give us a pointy hat." said Micaela

"These are the ceremonial robes of the Prime Merlinians. They are their uniforms, and they represent someone using his or her's vast powers for good instead of evil. They are symbols of justice and peace. It's a great honor to wear them." said Melchor

The three friends shrugged, and put on the robes.

"If you say so..." said Lucho


Growth Spell

     Growth: standard (rank 1)


Melchor pulled Camila and Micaela away from Lucho.

"Now, I want to to teach you both a very special spell. I reserved it for you, and you alone." said Melchor.

"Why? Why can't Lucho learn it?" said Micaela

"He...he's not ready for it." said Melchor

"So, what is it?" said Camila

"It's the Growth Spell. With it, you can magically grow to giant size. Close your eyes, focus, and visualize yourself giant-sized. Feel your body growing to giant size." said Melchor

"Will our clothes grow with us?" said Micaela.

"Yes, of course. Now, do it." said Melchor.

The girls closed their eyes and started focusing. Soon, the bodies started rising higher and higher, from 5 feet, to 10 feet, to 15 feet, until both of the girls were 30 feet tall.

"Oh my God! Look at you! You are huge!" said Camila

"You too!" said Micaela

"I feel like I'm Ginormica from 'Monsters vs Aliens'!" said Camila

The girls then looked down at Melchor.

"You weren't looking up our skirts, right?" said Micaela.

"Of course not! I would never do that!" said Melchor

Melchor waved his hand, and the girls shrunk down to their normal size.


Invisibility Spell

     Invisibility: standard (rank 1)


"Today, you are gonna learn the Invisibility Spell. This spell will allow you to sneak up on your enemies, and enter enemy fortresses undetected. All you have to do is clear your mind and focus." said Melchor

The three friends closed their eyes and focused on becoming invisible.

After a while, Lucho vanished from sight. Camila and Micaela stared in awe, and then Camila herself started vanishing. Soon, Micaela also turned invisible.

"This is awesome!" said Micaela

"Yeah, it's pretty cool." said Camila

"How come I can see myself?" said Lucho

"The Invisible Spell makes you invisible to others, not to yourselves." sais Melchor

Melchor waved his hand, and the three friends became visible again.


Shrinking Spell

     Shrinking: standard (rank 1)


Lucho approached Melchor.

"How come only the girls know the Growth Spell? What about me? Don't I get a special spell that only I can use?" said Lucho

"Well, if you inisist, there IS a spell I was saving just for you. It's a pretty simple one to do." said Melchor

"Really? What is it?" said Lucho

"All you have to do is focus, and chant out the words 'arnak wessen'." said Melchor

"And what does it do?" said Lucho

"It's a surprise." said Melchor with a twinkle in his eyes.

Lucho closed his eyes and started chanting out:






When Lucho opened his eyes, he was now 5 inches tall.

"Hey! What the hell?" said Lucho

"Congratulations, you just learned the Shrinking Spell." said Melchor

"And what use could I ever have for this?" said Lucho

"You can use it to spy on your enemies. You can use it to enter places that would be hard to reach at your normal size. Also, with this spell, fairies will be more relaxed around your presence." said Melchor

Melchor waved his hand, and Lucho grew back to his original size.


Exploding spell

     Disintegration: standard (rank 1)


"Why are there stell buckets lined in front of us?" said Lucho

"Because you are about to learn the Exploding Spell. With this spell, you can make anything, or anyone, explode. Now, each one focus on the bucket before you, and visualize it exploding." said Melchor

The friends stared at their buckets intensely, and sure enough, each one of the buckets exploded in a million pieces.

The three friends then turned their heads to Melchor.

"What?" said Melchor

"So?" said Lucho

"You are not gonna wave your hand and undo the spell, like you always do?" said Camila

"The Exploding Spell can't be done. One you use, your target is destroyed forever." said Melchor

"Bummer." said Micaela.


Stun Spell

     Inhibit Senses: standard (rank 1)


"Today, I'm gonna teach you the Stun Spell. With it, you are able to stun your enemies for a short amount of time. Camila, I want you to focus on Lucho and say the words 'hyuja rendere'." said Melchor

"No, wait!" said Lucho

But, before he could do anything else, Camila turned to Lucho and said "hyuja rendere".

Soon enough, Lucho was stumbling around, dizzy and disoriented.

"ThAnK yOu vErY mUcH! i FeEl LiKe I hAvEn'T sLePt fOr DaYs!" said Lucho

"Is he gonna be OK?" said Camila

"Don't worry, it'll wear off in a few hours." said Melchor

As Melchor and Camila walked away, Lucho said, "HEy! ThIs Is NoT fUnNy! CoMe bAcK! dOn'T lEaVe Me LiKe ThIs!", as he stumbled around in circles


Energy Spell

     Eldritch Energy: standard (rank 1)


"Now, it's time to learn the Energy Spell. It's the most basic spell for magical defense and offense. With it, you can shoot a bolt of magical energy from your hands. It will become your must trusted weapon in your battle against evil. Now, each one raise a hand, focus, and feel the energy flowing from your arm."

The three friends each raised their right hands, closed their eyes, and focused.

A stream of blue energy burst from Lucho's hand.

Another stream, this one green, shot from Micaela's hand.

Finally, a stream of red energy shot from Camila' hand.

"Your progess is remarkable. You three are the first Prime Merlinians to sucessfully cast the Energy Spell on the first try. You truly are the greatest students I ever had."


Fire Spell

     Fire: standard (rank 1)


"Finally, I'm gonna teach you the Fire Spell. With it, you can summon and control fire. At his point, I think you know how the magic works."

"Just point our arms, clear our minds, and focus." said Lucho

"We got it." said Camila

"Let's do this." said Micaela.

The three friends all raised their arms, closed their eyes, and focused.

A streak of fire shot from Lucho's arms.

Another wave of fire burst from Micaela's hand.

Finally, a huge fireball shot from Camila's hand.

Melchor once again waved his hand, and the flames were gone.

"I have taught you well. You are truly worthy of protecting the world from the forces of darkness."