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Played By: Gigs

Shade by Gigs

TEAM: Freelance Villain

SECTOR: Industrial

KIT CLASS: Empathy

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 wins!

Brutal - 3 fatalaties!

Fight Record
League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 3
The Obligation - Win 12-11
Shiro Tokisada - Win 13-9

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's just the dark. The dark can't hurt you." That's what they say, but you know differently. The dark CAN hurt you. The dark's simply waiting for you to feel safe. The dark is always waiting and hiding and waiting for you to let your guard down. Hiding under the bed... waiting just outside the door or window... hiding in the shadows. But the dark won't go away just because you turn the lights on. No, the dark will just keep on hiding and waiting. Always following you. Always walking just behind you and glaring at you. You feel the dark behind you all the time. When you walk, you can feel the dark just behind you. You turn around, but the dark isn't there anymore. But you know the dark was there, you felt the dark. The dark was reaching at you, taunting you with the closeness of the dark's hand. The dark was about to get you... about to grab you and tear you apart, but only pulled back when you looked back. Then the dark seemed to have disappeared, but you can already feel the dark standing behind you again. That's when you need a friend. You need a friend so the dark won't get you. The dark will be your friend. When the dark is your friend, your friend will play with you. Your friend will do all the things you wished you could do but don't or won't. All the mischievous things, the forbidden things. Sure, you would be the one who would get in trouble, but that's all right. Because it was for your friend. Your friend who plays with you, drinks tea with you, who tells you the things to do that you wished you could but don't or won't. Your friend who tells you to love that person. Your friend who tells you to kill that person because that person doesn't love you anymore. Because that person hates you. Because your friend tells you that person hates you. Your friend who tells you to feel bad over what you did. Your friend who is with you when you run away. Your friend who is with you till the day you are old. Your friend who tells you how to end your misery when you are old. When you are old, your friend tells you to go to sleep. And your friend will tell you not to wake up. And then you cannot feel anymore, but you cannot feel misery anymore either. See? Your friend was telling you the truth.




Weak BELOW normal human strength -
can bench press 50 pounds (maybe).


Weak BELOW normal human agility.
Slow and uncoordinated.


Weak BELOW normal human endurance.
Goes down easy and stays there.


Superior Highly educated and ingenious.
A smart cookie.

Holographic-Projection Unit

  • Power: Illusion Creation
  • Level:Supreme
  • Auto-Hit This mental attack hits the target automatically, but may or may not effect them.
  • Melee Attack Attack usable only hand to hand.
  • Weakness: Power in Item -Easy to Loseitem
Most Stage Shows have some form of Light shows or laser shows etc. The Iron Phalanx, Khazan's Greatest Heavy Metal Band, uses a device like no other - and advanced Holographic Project unit, built specially for them by KOMBG; enhacning their already unbelievable show. It can effect the audience on all five senses. They see the demons swooping in from above, they feel the wind of their wings beating, they can smell the burning brimstone and they can taste the sulphur in the air. Recently, this device has been turned to more combat orientated uses and is easily programmed by anyone to project nearly anything the user can imagine, since it is programmed directly with the persons brainwaves, so anything they think of, it will appear.


The dark... your friend... these are all things Shade. Shade is a state of mind. Is there a Shade? Yes. Does Shade exists? No. Where is Shade? Shade is here. Shade is here with us. We all have Shade in us. You have Shade as well. You are Shade. Shade is you.

Who's there?

  • Power: Invisibility
  • Level:Superior
  • Kit Power Link: Empathy
No one, there is no one here. You can feel someone... something. You can feel Shade. But you cannot see Shade. You know Shade is there, Shade is not trying to hide. Shade wants you to know Shade is there. But you cannot see Shade. But you know Shade is there, you can feel Shade.

No one

  • Power: Phasing
  • Level:Ultimate
  • Kit Power Link: Empathy
Who's there? There is no one. There is nothing. There is nothing... no one to touch. There is no Shade to touch. You know Shade is there, you can feel Shade. Shade is everywhere. Shade is in front of you. Shade is in you. Shade is behind you. There is nowhere to go. Shade will go through everywhere to be with you. Shade is... here. Shade is here, you can feel Shade. But you cannot touch Shade.

the dark

Are you afraid? Why? Why are you frightened? Is Shade really so frightful? You cannot see Shade, so why are you frightened of Shade? Is it because Shade looks so frightful? Is it because Shade knows you so well? Knows what you are frightened of? Knows what you are frightened of looking at? Is it because Shade looks like what or who you are frightened of? But why? You cannot see Shade, can you? No, but you can feel Shade, can't you? That's why you are frightened, isn't it? Because Shade looks like what you are frightened of, isn't it? Because you can feel Shade, even if you can't see Shade, isn't it? You know Shade is frightful looking don't you? You know Shade is... the dark... don't you?

your friend

Shade is your friend. Don't be afraid. Look! Shade doesn't look frightful anymore. Shade looks friendly now. Shade looks like someone not to be afraid of. Shade is telling you not to be afraid. Listen to Shade. You cannot hear Shade. It doesn't matter that you cannot hear Shade. All that is important is that you listen to Shade. Shade will make your fears go away. Shade will play with you. Shade will be there for you. Just listen to Shade. Listen with your heart, your soul, your mind. You cannot hear Shade, but you can listen to Shade. Shade will do all those things for you if you listen. Shade will show you how to do those things for yourself. Shade will show you what to do. Shade will tell you what to do. Do as Shade says.

Environmental Awareness

Hide? Why? Shade knows where you are. Shade can sense you, just as you can sense Shade. You cannot hide from Shade. Wait! Where are you going? You're going to tell others about Shade? But why? Shade might not be around when the others get to Shade. Why? Because Shade would have sense them too. And you know how good Shade is at hiding. Besides, what makes you think they don't know about Shade? What makes you think they are not with Shade as well?


Shade? What are you thinking of Shade? Why won't you tell me? I thought you were my friend? Shade! Shade... Shade? Why Shade? Why won't you tell? Why won't you talk? Why won't you talk to me Shade? Why won't you tell me what to do? Why?