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Played By: MediaMan

Immortus by MediaMan

TEAM: The Fallen

SECTOR: Uptown

KIT CLASS: Everyman

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 wins!

Fight Record
League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 3
Zander Jacobin - Win 0-0
Pajama Pockets - Loss 0-0
Maddock - Win 12-10

Immortus was once Karl Schrect, a mild-mannered biologist. He was well-respected in his field and got many articles published in the scientific journals. However, one day a near fatal car crash ended his old life and began a new one. In the hospital, the doctors said that there was no hope for him and that the most they could do was ease his transistion from one world to the next with painkillers as they waited for him to die. They asked a student intern to go to the stockroom and get some pain medication. What they did not know was that the intern was badly hung over from an all-night kegger last night and was in no mood to read labels. So, it comes to no surprise when he didn't bother reading the label of "Highly Experimental Rapid Cellular Regrowth Serum: keep this and all medicines out of reach of small children". Plugging an IV of this stuff into Karl, the intern then proceded to drink many cups of black coffie. The doctors came in the next day to find Karl not only alive but well. They were even more surprised the next day when his wounds had completely dissapiered as if the accident had not even happened. They were even MORE surprised the next hour when old scars began to dissapier and marks where bones were broken years before were healed over completely. His near-sightedness had corrected itself and he was ready to leave the hospital. When he got home, he found bills, bills, bills, and a letter saying his tenture was cut off. Almost bankrupt from the hospital bills as it is, he could not keep his house and the repo men came for everything else. A week later, he was living in a box with a towel for warmth. Seeing no point in going on, he threw himself in front of a train. Within minutes, his bones knitted and his organs put back into place. Frustrated, he jumped off a building. Despite being liquidated, he coagulated into a solid mass and then into a functioning living being once more. In the course of a month, Karl had hiself shot, stabbed, beaten, electrocuted, poisoned, frozen, burned, and many more things besides. Finally giving up, he dissapiered from the world altogether for fifteen years. When he remerged, he jumped from a building down into a mayoral inauguration of Khazan. He immiedatly regenerated his wounds in seconds and slit the throat of the new mayor before rubbing off. It turned out Karl, now calling himself Immortus, had been training in swordsmanship and martial arts for the fifteen years he had been gone. Having no real reason to go on living, he was further drvien insane by the fact he would never be able to achieve his finial rest. So driven totally mad by a combination of the serum's unsightly insanity after-effect and the hopelessness of his situation, Immortus seeks to kill everyone so he can get a vicarious thrill from seeing them die. He watches his victims die and imagines himself as them, and thus fulfills his sick fantasy, achieving his dream through the death of his opponents.




Standard Normal human strength.Agility:


Standard Normal human agility.


Standard Normal human endurance. Mind:


Standard Normal human mental resources.


The full effects of the Celluar Regrowth Serum are revealed in Immortus. No wound is safe from his ultra-fast healing effects as gashes close up literally as they are being made, bones knit as soon as they break, organs resolidify, skin regrows from burns, blood stops bleeding and.... Well, you get the idea. Nothing short of complete and total deatomization will ever be able to destroy Immortus permanently. Anything else he just instantly regenerates from.

Sword Master

  • Power: Sword Master
  • Level:Supreme
  • Weakness: Power in Item -Easy to Loseitem
Immortus spent his fifteen years training in martial arts and swordmastery. With his sword (he prefers katanas), he is able to slice almost any opponent to ribbons. The serum has also magaged to stimulate his learning centers in his brain as well: what may have taken a Kendo master over 100 years to learn Immortus picked up in fifteen.

Martial Arts

Immortus's martial art cannot seem to be pinned down to a single style. Obervers have noticed that it seems to take the best aspects of ninjitsu, akido, muy-tai, jujitsu, and dim-mak (the art of striking preasure points). Whatever it is, it is extremely potent.


  • Power: Sword
  • Level:Standard
  • Melee Attack Attack usable only hand to hand.
Immortus's favorite sword is a katana. It's light, easy to conceil and functions as good as any broadsword.