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Scout: Khazan Ranger
Played By: speakeasy

Scout: Khazan Ranger by speakeasy

TEAM: Solo Hero

SECTOR: Science

KIT CLASS: Cyberware

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 wins!

Brutal - 2 fatalaties!

Fight Record
League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 3
Alanna Deathwish - Win 0-0
Elvis Impersonator Legion - Win 0-0
Maria Halesinger - Win 0-0
Karen Mystery - Win 0-0
Hunter: Khazan Unit - Loss 0-0
Merlock - Win 0-0
Jessic - Win 0-0
Mike, The Perverted One - Loss 0-0
GrimSpire - Loss 0-0
Ying-Yang - Win 12-7
The Intruder - Win 11-7

The Khazan Rangers are the fierce and independant anti-insurgant strike team of the Khazan Armed Forces. Their primary goal is to infiltrate hostile terrains and decimate the small terrorist groups which use them for cover. "Scout" (AKA Louis Freebird) is one of the most accomplished Rangers ever to walk the face of Khazan. A hardy, weathered warrior, Louis Freebird was born and raised in the dangerous Khazan jungles. At a very young age his small village community was taken over by a terrorist organization which planned to use it as a base of operations. As an example of fear and power, his innocent parents along with other village elders were executed by the group. Unable to fight back, Louis and those remaining were reduced to little more than slaves in their service. After months of hardship, a Khazan Ranger tactical unit appeared and saved his people. Inspired by their heroic liberation, Louis travelled to Khazan City to enter the acadamy as soon as he was of age. He graduated at the top of his class and went on to become a highly decorated Ranger. Where terrorists prey on the weak and spread fear among the poor in the outlands of Khazan, Louis makes it his mission in life to be there - to end their plans with swift vengance.


Personality: Louis Freebird - Scout - is a goodhearted and quiet person. Yet he burns inside with a mission that will not end until his last breath: the extermination of evil forces in the Khazan Outlands.




Superior The pinnacle of human strength.
Can bench press 1000 pounds.


Standard Normal human agility.


Standard Normal human endurance. Mind:


Standard Normal human mental resources.

Ranger Repeating CrossBow

  • Power: Projectile Attack
  • Level:Supreme
  • Kit Power Link: Cyberware
  • Seeker This attack hunts and follows its target.
  • Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
  • Multi Attack Attack can hit multiple times during one strike.
The Standard Issue Khazan Ranger Repeating Crossbow is a silent but deadly weapon - perfect for missions which require stealth. Technology implants are required in Rangers to handle this mainstay of the Ranger arsenal which boasts quick repeating action from the bolt clip and target seeking. The hand to eye cyber implant surgery that Rangers subject themselves to insure that the CrossBow will hit fast, hard and often to take down the minions of oppression and fear. Scout is so fond of this weapon he finds, mostly, it's all he ever needs. He has carried the same CrossBow his entire career and refers to it affectionately as Little Nikki after his younger sister.

Terrain Blending

  • Power: Blending
  • Level:Superior
  • Kit Power Link: Cyberware
Scout uses the natural cover of terrains, and his deep understanding of them, to his benefit. He has been known to remain absoloutly motionless - still - for hours on end, waiting patiently for the perfect time to strike. Slinking closer, ever closer to the forces of fear and oppression... stalking them like they themselves stalk the innocent and helpless. His patience is infinite for he knows, in the end, they will answer to justice at the end of a crossbow bolt.

Terrain Familiarity: Jungle

Scout was born and raised in the jungles of Khazan. It is his home. He could easily survive by himself in the middle of it indefinately. Here he tracks his prey with unusual determination, for it was in the jungle that he first learned to hate the forces of terrorists and their tactics. When interviewed, Scout commented on the terrain which he considers to be his Home Turf. "The thing about criminals in the jungle is that, while it will hide the criminal well, most criminals soon tire of it. There's snakes, big icky bugs, dangerous beasts and plants. Your average prissy city criminal will give himself up after a day out there. The terrorists are a different breed, though. They're comfortable with the snakes and the big spiders. Makes 'em all the more dangerous."

Terrain Familiarity: Desert

The first two years of Scout's career was spent in the Khazan desert tracking down a violent sect of former Quietus acoyoltes. These mad clerics and adepts, hand trained by Quietus, the force of pure evil which founded the Fallen, were out there turning village after village into inhuman pits of terror. Scout recounted the mission to eliminate them to the Khazan News: "What they were doing to innocent people out there... It was evil. I got no other words. My squad was chewed up pretty bad, but there was something inside us that knew we had to press on. We had to bring justice to these evil men. When the extraction unit came in at the end there was just three of us left. But vengance was exacted."

Terrain Familiarity: Swamp

The swamp has often been a base of operations for the forces of fear and oppression. Covered by trees and dotted with irregular land mases connected by murky canals, it makes a great base of operations for the rats who hide there. Scout has spent months at a time in the dense foilage of the swamp, slowly tracking and destroying the bases of insurgant bands. Most recently he succeeded in dispatching a group of Lord Apathy's henchmen. Quoted on this operation, Scout said "In the end I really stumbled on 'em by blind luck... I mean, it's damn hard to track a group which follow a guy who never, ever moves."

Terrain Familiarity: Forest

The great Khazan forests are a nesting ground for insurgent training camps and the forces of terror. With abundant flora and fauna to shelter and feed them, these camps can live off the land indefinately. Unfortunately for the terrorists, the forest is like a second home to the Khazan Rangers and Scout himself has led many an expedition into the mighty trees to cleanse the local beauty of such ugly inhabitants. During one notable sweep, Scout and his comrades found themselves beset upon by Aka Koujaku and her archer minions The Sisters of the Sparrow. "I lost two good friends that day," said Scout of the ensuing battle, "but well trained as they were our Repeating Crossbows carried the day. I just don't go in for all that mystical bow and arrow crap. Little Nikki here is hooked directly into my nervous system and in the thick of battle, your nerve is all you can trust."

Terrain Familiarity: Mountains

The jagged, spectacular peaks of Khazan's mountains provide an inaccessable and easily fortified base of operations for the hardier breed of terrorist camps. Unfortunately for them, The Khazan Rangers are hardier still and have the skills to get at them. When interviewed Scout remembered a particularly dangerous mission into the Khazan mountains. "We were trying to take down the Fallen's wayward monstrosity Spot the House Pet; a scorpion about the size of a semi-truck which was making meals out of tourists. The whole mission turned into, like, a horror film... like 'Jaws', you know. The scorpion started picking our six man strike team off one by one, coming outta nowhere and hiding again. In the end, with just two of us left, we got the sucker. I lost an arm sticking a pound of C-4 down its throat, but as you can see the med techs fixed me back up."

Terrain Familiarity: Lava Cliffs

Only the hardiest adversaries choose this nightmare terrain to call home. Unfortunately for them, The Khazan Rangers will enter even this blasted landscape to track them down. (Indeed, a Ranger has to learn to navigate this terrain as part of their basics). Scout recalls one memorable journey into this landscape... "It was a rescue mission. We got a call that Gelligar had managed to land a bad-guy up there by posing as a piece of the local terrain for weeks. Eventually the bad-guy walked under him splat. Well, that's all well and good, but it accidentally set off the guys standard issue bad-guy death-ray to overload. After the explosion, Gelligar found itself slowly sinking in lava. Well, when we got up there, he was almost gone... but we managed to fish him out. That's some tough rock, let me tell you."

Terrain Familiarity: Caves

The Endless Caves of Khazan provide an excellent hide-out and escape route for the villain and terrorist forces to avoid detection. The Khazan Rangers know this and run sweeps through them on a regular basis. Scout has been known to spend months at a time living in the caves. In one Ranger training film, Scout explains to recruits how becoming attuned to the environment is not easy... "The caves are your best friend and worst nightmare. It's a dark, lonely and claustrophobic experience. You must make the darkness your friend and move through it effortlessly. You must take note of all the native life and make them your friends. You must always remember it is much more confining being dead in a coffin than alive and well in the caves - treat the caves with the love you give the open sky."

Environmental Awareness

Scout has come to possess, by long experience, a natural awareness of his surroundings and those things in it. The bird, the tree, the rock... he feels them all and is attuned to their movements. It is very, very, very hard to sneak up on this warrior.