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Sailor Archer
Played By: Dragoon T

Sailor Archer by Dragoon T

TEAM: Sentinels

SECTOR: Lowtown


Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 9 wins!

Fight Record
League Wins: 9
League Losses: 2
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 9
Total Losses: 2
Legion of Hand-Me-Down - Win 0-0
theRather Annoying Fellow - Win 0-0
Pajama Pockets - Loss 0-0

After her lost to 'Action Man, Elwin decided to retire from the FPL and go training throughout the megaverse. Her travels led her to many diffrent worlds, but on a small planet, named Mobius, which was also the home of 2 FPL fighters, Kain and Omnigeech, Elwin was quickly swept into events beyond her control. Facing an invasion by a mysertous group known as the High Council of Evil, Elwin pledged her support in defense of the planet. Caught by Surprise, Elwin was sepreated from her new friends and had to fight a running battle constantly being attacked by innumerable numbers of soldiers. Her sword broken(She never did find the other half of it after her fight with 'Action Man!), her Fire starting to rage uncontrolibly, Elwin used her trump card. Her trump card was a small, ornate stick she had found on her planet after cracking open it's crust. This particuler stick was of a type most people call Henshin, that is..a Transformation Wand. Holding the Henshin stick in the air and shouting out the words enscribed on it's handle, Elwin released a power that had been sealed up for the past 3 Mileenia. This power, the power of the 3rd most powerful Sailor Senshi in the universe, had been sealed up in her home planet for fear of its misuse...well..at least until a Elwin blew up half of said planet and found the stick in the rubble. With a burst of silver energy, Sailor Archer was again a player in the cosmic struggle of the Megaverse. Easily disposing of the army that had been doggedly tracking her down, Elwin decided to come out of her Retirement, Return to the FPL Arena, and fight for Justice and Better Anime Dubs as the champion of courage and the stars Sailor Archer!




Standard Normal human strength.Agility:


Superior This fighter can dodge, weave and move
with the grace of an Olympic gymnast.


Standard Normal human endurance. Mind:


Weak BELOW normal human mental power.
Not the sharpest tack in the drawer.

Starlight Aura

  • Power: Eldrich Blast
  • Level:Supreme
  • Kit Power Link: Avatar
  • Area Effect This attack causes damage in a large area.
  • Seeker This attack hunts and follows its target.
  • Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
Any Sailor Senshi worth her Fuku has a large variety of highly destructive, Visually appealing and catchy sounding Energy attacks to toss around at her opponents. Most of the time these attacks take on aspects of that Senshi's element of Influence( Mercury=Water, Mars=Fire and so on). Since Archer's influcing element is the Stars themselves, she flings around Pure Energy!! Elwin, in her short time as Sailor Archer, has actually become quite proficent at this attack...she's has a variety of devstating attacks like the Shadow Starburst, Which is basicly a fireball formed out of energy, and the Power Geyser..which causes geysers of energy to erupt from under her opponent. By far the most devastating, Most Dreaded, and most fun to watch attack she can use is the Starlight Aura. The Starlight Aura consists of Energy gathering at Elwins feet and in a Spiraling motion spreading up to her Palms...which are outsctreched towards the opponent. This energy gathers for a moment and in a bright Flash a HUGE beam of Energy capable of Leveling a Small Mountain(Let alone the poor sap it was aimed at!) bursts forth. Elwin's decided that she's going to use this attack almost Esclusivly in the FPL...and as such Freely fires it off when she mounts an attack. However...Even Elwin isn't stupid. She realizes putting all her money on a single attack isn't going to cut it..So she developed a Variation of the Starlight Aura called the Stardust Barrage. The Stardust Barrage consists of a power up in the same way as the Starlight Aura...but instead of firing of One HUGE beam...it insteads fires off an Insane amount of smaller Energy Balls which Explode on contact. These Energy Balls quickly engulf the Arena in explosions..leaving no room for an Opponent to hide. Oh yeah..Did I mention Elwin has been working on her Aim? Both the Starlight Aura and the Stardust Barrage will Home in on an opponent.

Weilder of the Pure Edge

Elwin, despite her Transformation into Sailor Archer, still retains her uncanny knack with a sword. She fights with a One-Handed blade, weilding it alternatly like Rapier and a Saber...relying mostly on Slashes for Damage and Stabs for feints. Her Style of Swordfighting, Known as 'Kensenshitsu' is known for it's flashly disarms and almost unbeliveable parrys. One of it's trademark moves is a counterattack that not only disarms the opponent but also knocks the Opponent down. Elwin is one of the acknowledged masters of 'Kensenshitsu' and it shows in her form.

The Pure Edge

  • Power: Fire
  • Level:Superior
  • Kit Power Link: Avatar
  • Melee Attack Attack usable only hand to hand.
  • Armor Piercing This attack ignores normal defenses which are not Reinforced.
Formed from the 'Fire of the Soul' the Pure Edge is a near legendary weapon that few can use. It's form differs depending on it's weilder, and in Elwin's case it manifests itself as Shimmering Sword of Fire. Elwin learned how to form the Pure Edge during her time on Mobius, and the Pure Energy of the Senshi transformation has amplified that power to the point where Elwin can create the sword with but a Thought. Since the sword is formed from Elwin's inner strength Breaking and Losing it has no effect...Elwin simply conjures another one. Furthermore the Pure Edge seeks the body of it's opponents...It ignores any sort of defense.


Elwin was already an amazing Gymnast, but her transformation to Sailor Archer has honed it to a fine edge. She's able to perform manuevers such as Flips, Handstands, Backflips, Rolls, Dives, Dodges and such without any effort, and is extremly hard to nail with an attack in both Melee and Projectile Combat. Elwin practices a particuler brand of Gymnastics known as 'Kinetonamics'. This style builds upon the basics of Gymnastics by using the Momentum of both the practiconeer and the opponent. Once a battle starts going Elwin can use her own momentum to Fuel her attacks..Pulling off Spectaculer Stunts such as Flipping over the Opponent and slashing at them all at once, and Remarkable feats of skill like Parrying and then rolling under to conterattack an opponent.

The Blink

  • Power: Phasing
  • Level:Standard
  • Reinforced Defenses Defense blocks Armor Piercing attacks.
  • Weakness: Power in Item -Hard to Loseitem
A unique power that the Senshi power has provided Elwin is the ability to 'Blink' out of reality for a Split Second, avoiding any solid attack(Such as a Sword Slash, Arrow, Punch Etc.). This 'Blink' happens automaticly...Elwin has no say on when it happens. As such attacks from her Behind, or while she's under any sort of Influence, will still be avoided. The blink is linked to the Tiara on Elwin's head. If it's taken off it'll automaticly reappear on her head...The only way to stop the 'Blink' from occuring is to Completly destroy the Tiara.


  • Power: Flight
  • Level:Standard
During her stay on Mobius Elwin was fortunate enough to become friends with a Martial Artist by the name of Ferio. While Elwin proved to be a complete flop in learning his style, She DID manage to learn how to focus her inner 'Chi' to lift herself in the air. She now prefeirs to mount her Energy attacks from Above...and uses it to her full advantage by mounting attacks from diffrent directions and using her The Stardust Barrage to completly cover the Arena.


  • Power: Avatar
  • Level:Standard
Elwin has inherited the Power of the 3rd Most powerful SailorSenshi in the Universe...Sailor Archer. This power gives her the ability to draw from a source of 'Goodness' that all Senshi draw upon to power their attacks and transformations. Elwin uses this power to fuel her energy attacks...Making them more powerful then they normally be Furthermore this Higher 'Goodness' amplifys 'The Fire of the Soul' making her Pure Edge even more dangerous in combat.