Sinister Black


Gender: Male

Kit: Alien

Location: Where ever the Hunt Might take him


Alignment: Villain

Team: Solo Villain


Strength: superior (rank 2)

Agility: superior (rank 2)

Mind: superior (rank 2)

Body: superior (rank 2)

Spirit: (rank )

Charisma: (rank )


Infamy Points: 40

Personal Wins: 0

Personal Losses: 1

Team Wins: 0

Team Losses: 0

Tourney Wins: 0

Tourney Losses: 0


Status: Blocked

Daisy Rock

This Yautja was born to one of the world most famous Elder hunters and his Woman. His father became an ARBITRATOR after he got bored with the hunt and his mother had nurtured Him for much of his life until he was able join the hunt and become a young blood. After he became a Blooded warrior things went bad for him he began experimenting on him self trying to make him stronger and faster so he could become a better hunter than his father ever was but he gave him self too much at one time he became a abomination and dishonored the Yautja and his father. He was sentenced to exile on one of the Predators game reserves but he wouldn't let that happen so in a uproar he Fought the council members and attempted to destroy them all but his farther intervened and a vicious but brief battle took place with him winning then every Yautja there had to gang up on him and send him there where he waited and waited until finally Some one came, a follower of his and brought him back, where he would get his revenge upon them all


He is a Silent stalking Yautja (or predator)

The Yautja call him aan-ku-cu meaning Silent hunter they also call him mani-ki-u meaning Sinister Black

His Motivation is that he must get revenge and prove he is the Greatest Yautja ever

His Goals Is to get revenge and prove he is the Greatest Yautja ever


Wrist Blades

     Slashing Weapon: standard (rank 1)


The Wrist Blade is the weapon of choice for most Predators. Twin blades (or occasionally triple blades) with jagged double edges and sharp enough to tear through bone, are effective against large and small opponents. Using the Wrist Blades show Predator pride, because they prefer melee combat fights -- face to face.



     Armor: standard (rank 1)


Offers protection where the Predator needs it the most. Light and maneuverable, but is still vulnerable to heavy strikes. The ceramic plating is composed of a totally foreign compound (like other materials)


Active Camouflage

     Invisibility: standard (rank 1)


The Yautja camouflage is the ultimate in stealth technology. By bending light waves around the cloaked object, the device makes it practically invisible. The device is used to mask Predator ships moving within enemy territories, as well as individual hunters themselves.