The Annoying Apple


Gender: Male

Kit: Natural

Location: Kitchen, Somewhere in the USA


Alignment: Villain

Team: Solo Villain


Strength: standard (rank 1)

Agility: standard (rank 1)

Mind: weak (rank 0)

Body: standard (rank 1)

Spirit: (rank )

Charisma: (rank )


Infamy Points: 50

Personal Wins: 0

Personal Losses: 1

Team Wins: 0

Team Losses: 0

Tourney Wins: 0

Tourney Losses: 0


Status: Blocked


A few minutes ago, in a kitchen right up the block, there resided a particular annoying fruit and his band of "friends". However, this band would soon come under effect by the massive time-spacial distortions that were caused by the massive clashes of good and evil happening in the outside world. Said distortions altered the course of history itself, and due to one particularly violent incident, the roles of a young orange and apple were reversed! The orange died by a knife cutting him up, but the apple continued to annoy the other fruit and get caught in mishap "adventures".

However, one day these battles afore mentioned would come to destroy the kitchen itself! The apple, though, was asleep at the time and was saved by being in the fridge during the explosion. Waking up in the middle of nowhere, and unaware at the fate of his fellow fruit, the apple hitched a ride on a car and later a plane, off to annoy places unknown!


The Annoying Apple tends to be, well, annoying. He can push people to the extreme, and repeats the same puns over and over. THis puns consist of: "You're an orange!", "You look fruity", "Motorboat, bvbvbvbvbvbvbvvv" and even "Bleh bleh bleh". However, his relatively good nature leads to it being EXTREMELY hard to succesfully insult him or get him angry. Over the years, he has even refined his puns to be a literal mind attack, due to their own sheer annoyingness. Some phycologists shun his single-minded annyoingness and some wonder how a being could even exist for such a purpose alone, as Aplle has not been observed doing anything else.


You're an Orange!!!

     Emotion Control: superior (rank 2)

  • Ranged Attack


Apple, being as annoying as he is, has several annoying puns that can annoy the living crap out of basicly anyone. The apple also tends to make fun of people names. This generally leads to extreme anger, though in some cases it led to the fear of apples, the nightmares dominated by images of the apple, and many other effects. This ability can reach as far as anyone can hear his voice.


Complete Idiocy

     Mental Defense: superior (rank 2)


Apple is completely lacking the understandment of many insults, and will commonly twist the sound of the words in the insult into something childish. His tendancy to be annoying also means that its extremely hard to annoy or insult him. Any sensible comment that apple doesn't like will recieve a : "You're an orange, hahahahahaha!". However, recently this has evolved into a defense against most mental attacks. One day whan apple was causing a commotion, a psychic tried to pry into his mind. In the mental battlefield, the psychic recieved "You're an Orange" in response to all of his attacks, with no negative effect on the apple at all. The apple then responded with: "Hey psychic, motorboat! Bvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbvvvvvvvvbvbvbvbv!". The motorboat shattered the psychic's mental defense walls and the man was left with nightmares and the fear of talking fruit for the rest of his life.



     Mind Blast: superior (rank 2)


As afore mentioned, the motorboat method that was used on the psychic was a unique type of mind blast. As the apple performs it, the opponent is rendered unable to counterattack due to the massive annoyingness, and the rumbling sound knocks down all but the strongest mental walls. After being a victim to this method, the enemy is left with hallucinations and nightmares in the long run, but damaging seizures and unconsciousness in the short term.


What'cha do that for!?

     Iron Will: standard (rank 1)


The apple's nature prevents him from seeing the reason for being attacked, and this failure causes him to absorb some initial attacks, taking no dammage and questioning why the opponent has attacked him. This is part of his failure to realize that he is annoying someone.