Erin & Thad


Gender: None

Kit: Divine

Location: 1688 Olympia way


Alignment: Hero

Team: Solo Hero


Strength: standard (rank 1)

Agility: standard (rank 1)

Mind: standard (rank 1)

Body: standard (rank 1)

Spirit: (rank )

Charisma: (rank )


Fame Points: 437

Personal Wins: 37

Personal Losses: 22

Team Wins: 0

Team Losses: 0

Tourney Wins: 0

Tourney Losses: 0


Status: Active


1688 Olympia way

A house with an identity crisis, torn between cutesy pinkness and the black of a cathedral, stands alone at the end of the street. On one side of the yard wild roses bushes grow; underneath them the grass is reaped down to a meticulous measure.

The furniture inside ranges from elaborate Victorian drapes to a Spartan stuffed recliner. Half the lights are on, half off, as if constantly in flux between the residents, both of whom now stand on either side of a locked bedroom door.

Thad raps impatiently against the door. If refuses to budge and he resorts to yelling.

“Erin, this is stupid. Open up.”

Erin’s voice can be heard echoing back through the door,

“No! We’re in a fight. Deal with it.”

“Would you just please act like an adult and open the damn door!”

“Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you. I’m calling my girlfriends and I’m getting away from this place, away from you, you murderer!”

“Don’t act like a child Erin… Would you at least tell me why you’re angry at me?”

“How can you not already know?”

“Because I don’t read minds Erin. Not all of us can immediately know how someone feels without asking them.”

“You never ask me how I feel, that’s the problem, you don’t care!”

“I’m asking now aren’t I?”

Erin swings the door open. Her eyes are filled with tears, they mix with the look of rage on her face with a terrible effect.

“You want to know why I’m pissed at you? You really don’t know? Maybe its because you killed somebody today!”

“Baby you’re going to have to be way more specific.”


“Erin, babe," Thad says laughing, "I’m the grim reaper, ‘death incarnate’. Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?”

“The Surfer. The one in San Diego. He was teaching his fiancé how to surf and you killed him.”

“NO—falling headfirst into the rocks on the shore killed him. I was just there to make sure it all went smoothly.”

Erin begins to pace about the room; Thad stays anchored in place, his arms crossed. She begins hurriedly packing a suitcase with her clothes.

“Go smoothly?” she yells, “How was that going smoothly? How was killing him in the most gruesome way possible the day after he proposed going smoothly? Do you know how much work I put into that relationship? That woman may never love again, and all because you had to kill her fiancé in front of her eyes.”

“Erin, my job isn’t like yours. Love is blind, Death isn’t. If they’re on the list—”

“Oh don’t give me that list bullshit again. Its still wrong and you know it; you could have spared him, given him a concussion, an ugly but endearing scar, maybe brain damage or something.”

“It’s not up to me. If it’s their time to go, they have to go. I don’t pick and choose who dies; I just lead them onwards once it happens. No one gets taken down unless they’re on the list.”

She stares back at him with angry disbelief.

“Persephone.” she says.

Thad begins to frantically shake his finger in debate.

“No, no, no, no, no—That’s not true and you know it. Persephone was a once in an eternity situation. The only exception to date, and to be fair, that one was your fault.”

“My fault?” Erin yells back, “Is your all-consuming ego really that big, that you can somehow blame that one on me?”

“Hey you’re the one who made him fall in love, sweetheart! Everything was hunky-dory before then, but no, you had to prove that love could conquer even the God of the Dead, and that’s what happened.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t think he was going to rape her and drag her to Hell! The point is you took her when she wasn’t on the list, so you could just as easily not take people who are.”

“Why should I throw off my schedule for them?" Thad argues "Why should I let them win?”

“ITS NOT A COMPETITION!” she yells back, “You could do it just to be NICE!”

Erin slams the suitcase shut and begins making for the door. Thad unhinges from his locked position by the back wall and begins to follow her.

“Where are you going?”

“To my mother’s.”

Thad bolts up and pushes the front door shut with his bare hand. She stares at him.

“Move, Thad.”

“Come on baby don’t do this. We can work it out, we always have in the past.”

“We work it out in the past because you always say ‘Please Erin, I’m tired from reaping souls all day. Can we talk about it tomorrow?’ And I’m gullible, and I love you, so I say yes. But I can’t do it any more. I am tired of always having the same argument with you. We can’t work both our jobs and be together, its just not going to work.”

“Well, then maybe you could find somebody else to—”

“I’m not quitting my job Thad. Making people fall in love isn’t a bad thing. You’re the one who always causes conflict. It aught to be you.”

“I can’t quit,” Thad says, “it would throw off the schedule. Do you know how long it would be before people started dying again?”

“That’s it.” she says, prying his fingers off the door, “I can’t go on like this. I knew you would react this way; my mother knew you would react this way. I should have followed her advice and married a mortal like she said. I’m sorry Thad, it was nice while it lasted.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” He drops to one knee and holds her back by her hand. “What if we worked it out? Like seriously, you know, talked about our “feelings”, and all that other stuff that you’re always telling me about?”

A pink Miada with heart shaped motifs is already waiting for her in the driveway. Erin looks at Thad in the doorway with a sense of pity. There is a pause before she decides which direction to go.

“You promise you’ll really try?” she asks “No putting it off for another hundred years, no nodding your head and saying “yes baby”, you actually want to work on this?”

“I want to try.” He says.

Erin stalls for a moment. She looks down at his smiling face; despite the sulky demeanor and bony exterior, he could at times, be cute. She sighs and comes back inside. She and Thad re-enter the front door together and move into the living room. She plops the suitcase down on a sofa. It opens and Erin pulls out a small card tucked inside one of the folds. She hands it to Thad.

“I want us to go to couples counseling. I thought it over and I want us to talk to Hera.”

“Hera? As in the Goddess Hera?” He looks at the card and flicks it with his finger. “I don’t think our problems are THAT bad. Wouldn’t she have more important things to do?”

“So what,” Erin replies, “this isn’t important to you now?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Really? Because that’s what it sounds like.”

“Ugghhh," he sighs "ok, you win. We’ll go to see Hera, if she has time for us; but if not...”

“Our session is scheduled for noon tomorrow,” Erin says “Make the time and don’t be late.”

“Sweetheart when am I ever off schedule? ... Wait, how did you already make an appointment? We just had this fight three seconds ago?”

“Tomorrow, noon, be there,” Erin says, “I’m gonna take a shower.”

She calmly shuts the bathroom door without further explanation, as Thad stares down at the business card.


Hera looks them over. Erin smiles and hugs her on the way in; Thad grunts then takes a seat without being asked. Hera presses down her pantsuit and reaffirms her hair into a bun. She issues Thad and Erin to sit on the overstuffed leather couch together. Erin looks back at her while she talks, Thad has turned his body towards the wall.

Her office is dim, venetian blinds cover the window, a warm yellow lamp in the corner provides cozy lighting. The walls are painted a relaxingly simple Sage Green. It is not a traditionally Greek interpretation of what her temple should look like, but a far more suitable an environment for repairing marriages in the 21st century.

“So, what sort of problems would you two like to talk about?” Hera asks.

“Well,” Erin replies, “We don’t really seem to be as compatible as we used to be. We fight a lot. I know that we have always had conflict, but its really starting to be a problem. We seem to be getting at each other’s throats over some really big issues.”

“No we’re not,” mutters Thad.

Erin turns to him across the couch but can still only talk to his back.

“We’re not having fights?”

“We’re not having fights about big issues. We’re having stupid little fights, over stupid little issues.”

“They’re not stupid to me; how are they stupid Thad?”

“They just are.” He clasps his hands emphatically, “Look, people die. It happens, but every time someone dies and their loved ones mourn, you come to me and call me a bastard, as if I somehow had it out for them.”

“I never thought you had it out for them, but you never show any remorse for doing it. Maybe if you showed an ounce of compassion for once, I wouldn’t need to explain the concept of being sad when someone dies. How can you not connect death and sadness, or at the very least, get the basic concept?”

“Erin as I’ve said before, many many times, people die, they just die. I see it all day, day in, day out, every day since the beginning of time. It’s nothing to be sad about, it is just the way life ends. It’s how you know when something is over.”

“So, what then?” she asks, “When we rented “The Notebook” last summer and the woman died, you didn’t feel sad at all, you just thought, “ok, this must be the ending”.”

“That WAS the ending! That was exactly how the movie ended. They both get old, they both die. I remember this distinctly!”

Erin throws her hands up and forcefully pulls him in to face her.

“That’s not the point. The reason it’s a sad movie is that they were in love, she lost her memory of him, and THEN they died.”


“So?” she repeats slightly perturbed, “What do you mean, so? Doesn’t that love mean anything to you?”

“Well yeah, sure I guess. But the finality of the film happened when they croak. All the love was just kind of filler.”

“That is so like you! You denigrate what I do, you think you can just come in and bulldoze everything I work on because what I do doesn’t matter.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Yes you did!” she exclaims, “I just heard you!”

“BOTH OF YOU!” yells Hera.

She has gained control of the room and they both stare back at her. The tension has risen some, but at least the problem is out in the open now. Hera folds her hands and looks at them both.

“It seems the problem is that neither of you really seems to understand what the other one does, and that makes them feel like they’re not being respected. Am I right?”

“Yes,” says Thad emphatically.

“Definitely,” says Erin.

“Ok then.” Hera points towards Erin, “Erin why don’t you try to communicate to Thad, what it is exactly that you do. Tell him why it is important to you, and how it makes you feel when he doesn’t give it credit. Thad, you’re going to have your chance to speak as well, but right now I just want you to listen to what Erin has to say. Ok, Erin, go ahead. Tell Thad what is on your mind.

Erin takes in a deep breath and calmly looks Thad in the eye.



     Empathy: superior (rank 2)


“Thad we’ve been together a long time. A really, really, long time, eons almost. But I always get the feeling that you don’t think what I do matters. But it does to me and it does to all those people down there. What I do gives people a meaning to live, not just something to do before they die. When people love each other it makes them feel alive. As if death will never come.”

“But it will,” Thad says

“Thad, you just need to listen right now,” Hera repeats. She motions to Erin who continues talking.

“Love makes people want to do things with their lives. It gives them the motivation to get up in the morning. Without love, life is meaningless; it’s just a cruel brutish existence, where people only continue existing to prove that they can. If there is nothing in life that you love, something that brings you pleasure and joy, then why live? Why go through all that pain and hardship with no possible reward? Love exists for a reason, its not just there to help bad songwriters, it’s the meaning of life. Even if you have to end that life, it would be nice if you could recognize the beautiful thing you’re ending for what it really is.”



     Decay: superior (rank 2)


“Thank you, Erin,” Hera says. She then turns to Thad.

“Thad, is there anything you’d like to tell her?”

Thad shifts his feet awkwardly. He looks at Erin who looks right back.

“Well,” he starts, “I mean, I get it. Love is important, it is a reason to live, but it’s just… its just not the only reason. It’s not that I don’t respect love, I do, I just give people a different meaning to live.”

“You can’t be serious,” Erin says. Thad begins gesturing energetically.

“Well, look, death isn’t pretty but it also gets people up in the morning. They get up because they want to do something before it’s all over, to enjoy what time they have. They actively try to seek out love because they know they won’t live forever, or they create vaccines to keep people they love from dying, or they do charity work so that they can go to a good place when they die. It motivates them, through fear maybe, but it’s a good fear. People should be afraid of dying; it gives meaning to what they do now.

Just imagine what life would be like if no one died. That would be real hell; constantly living, knowing you could never escape. That no matter what you do, you will never complete yourself; that there will always be another hill to climb, another boulder to push up that hill, and no matter how many hills you pass you’ll never see the end, and the boulder will just keep getting heavier. Every time someone dies they open up new possibilities for those coming after them.”

He begins to look her in the eye as he speaks.

“Sure life without love might be cruel, brutal, pointless even. But without death it’s all nihilism; nothing matters because it never changes anything. Even love would be meaningless because there would never be any sacrifices, no consequences, no pressing reason to commit yourself to one person for a shot at happiness. Even if death makes you sad or you don’t like it, it would be nice if you didn’t always see me as the evil bastard coming to take you away in the night.”



     Emotion Control: superior (rank 2)

  • Area Affect
  • Super Area of Effect


There is a pause. The tension has dropped. They stare back at each other for a silent moment.

“I never knew you felt like that,” Erin says “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“Well its tough,” Thad says, “I don’t like to talk about it. You come in from work with love stories, about great and wonderful things happening to people, and then they go off into the sunset on a white horse and get married or something. What do I have? 19 year old at Burning Man swallows his own tongue. 29 year old surfer dies instantly of blunt force trauma to the skull while his fiancé watches on. Its kind of hard to compete.”

“Its not about competition. I want to hear what you have to say; besides, my day isn’t as glamorous as you think. I spend most of my day trying to get hormonal teenagers to take love seriously in the backseat of a car.”

“Really” asks Thad.

“Really” she says.

Hera smiles at them both.

“You have both made wonderful progress. It’s clear you both finally understand that you need to communicate these things to each other. There’s one last thing I want to bring up before the session ends.

“You two need to remember you are the motivations for all actions in life. Your jobs are both equally vital, and more importantly, they are inseparable. The one makes the other more potent, and if you two are out of balance, everyone suffers. You two control the basis of all human emotions, fear & love, loss & joy, Eros & Thanatos. I know that it is an awesome responsibility, but together I think you can make it.

“I want you to take some time this week and study what the other one does on the job; take them with you, show them first hand how everything works. If you do this then I guarantee you’ll both gain a new appreciation for the other’s work.

“Well, I think that’s it; I’ll see you both sometime next week for a follow-up.”